Inside Amanda Judge, founder of Fair Collection
This week, we are continuing our International Women’s Day celebration with Amanda Judge, founder of Faire Collection. Amanda and her team travel to remote corners of the globe to develop the skills of marginalized artisans, and they are proud to share their undiscovered talents with you! Faire Collection is deeply committed to elevating the lives of their artisan partners in Ecuador and Vietnam, by providing dignified wages and holistic social programs that provide a path out of poverty. The jewelry is high quality with a story of adventure; it reflects the soul of the artisan and celebrates their cultural heritage. Amanda says, “This is the new luxury.”
1. What inspired you to start Faire Collection and work with women artisans?
"I was interviewing women artisans as part of a project for a Microfinance company. I was so impressed with the spirit of the women I met that I was drawn to find a permanent way to improve their livelihoods. They had incredibly difficult lives, but always had a smile on their faces and took such pride in their craft. For the women I was interviewing, creating something beautiful was more than just a way to earn some money—it was a way to honor their heritage: to honor their parents and grandparents, their country, and most importantly their Quichua culture. Over the decade since I began working in Ecuador, our staff has always been primarily women, although we have no policy against men and do occasionally have a man or two on our team. Currently we are all women though! These women hold their families together. They care for children, organize the household, and work every spare minute. We have a very dedicated artisan staff."