News — Africa

We bless the rains down in...

Posted by Robert Winter on

When you’re following Jesus, sometimes the path ahead is a tad blurry. But hey, that’s part of the thrill, right?

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Somalia Evangelism

Posted by Guest Blogger on

Hello and praise the LORD. I’m a Somali believer, serving the LORD here in the (location removed). Here’s a report of what I've been doing. I’ve been doing evangelism in the city’s downtown streets tea place where many Somali’s gather together. I met with some guys (three), made them friends and after a couple of weeks began sharing with them and through the Holy Spirit some of them came to the faith. I’ve been discipling them for a couple of months. By God’s grace at the launch of the New Year, three whohad come to faith recently were baptised and...

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Angels From Heaven | YWAM Wollongong

Posted by Robert Winter on

As I returned to the YWAM base after a long day, there were these beautifully adorned ladies moving gracefully about as if they were dancing on air. I thought God had sent His Angels!

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