News — faith
Fear, Doubt & Unbelief; Giants in the promised Land
Posted by Robert Winter on
This is the first post in a multi-part series
1st Giants in the Promised Land
Then the Lord said to Moses: “How long will these people reject Me? And how long will they not believe Me, with all the signs which I have performed among them”? Numbers 14: 11
Stones of Remembrance
Posted by Guest Blogger on
Now in the New Covenant, we are living stones of remembrance being used to build the house of God (1 Peter 2:5).
Giving Tuesday
Posted by Guest Blogger on
Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that occurs every year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. End of the year giving is so important and I wanted to give you the opportunity to give to give towards missions.
Giving Thanks
Posted by Guest Blogger on
Today is so incredible because giving thanks is so powerful. I love that God made the world in such a way that we are able to experience joy and love.
Full Freedom
Posted by Guest Blogger on
Things that many people would say need years to heal or significant time addressing began to fall away. Stains that old insecurities left behind were washed away. I began drawing near to Jesus and His holiness cloaked me.