Our Partners

Fair Trade Partners
Trutogs is excited to partner with some incredible companies to not only support missionaries but to better the lives of many talented artisans whom live in impoverished countries. Purchasing their handmade unique products at fair trade wages provides sustainable livelihood for these children and their families around the world.

Our  vision is "Sowing Missions Thread by Thread." There are two ways we seek to accomplish this.

FIRST: by opening up the global marketplace to craftsmen and artisans often in remote locations around the world and in the US. Many suffer under extreme poverty and are at risk of exploitation. Bringing their quality handmade products to eCommerce markets empowers them economically enabling them to provide a better quality of life and to protect their families. 

SECOND: by using the profits to support young missionaries who invest their lives in ministering the gospel to people of all nations. Youth with a Mission, ywam.org, is located in over 180 countries.

Learn more about each of our Fair Trade Partners:
Eternal Threads
Cross Trade
Unique Batik
Fair Trade Winds