News — Missionary
Character & Nature of God
Posted by Guest Blogger on
I just kept seeing the Lord as The All-Powerful Redeemer. No matter what family background we come from or genetics, mindsets, patterns, and models set for us… God is always reworking His beauty, love, character, and nature into us.
Life in the Spirit
Posted by Guest Blogger on
The title of this week was, Spiritual Warfare/ Holy Spirit Week! After the end of the week, I think our group would agree, that we could have easily called it- Life with The Father.
Evangelism…Fun or Dogmatic?
Posted by Guest Blogger on
“The point of life is not to be better and be the best and experience more. The point of life is to be known by the Lord.
Fear, Doubt & Unbelief; “By this you shall know”
Posted by Guest Blogger on
This is the second post in a multi-part series; Fear Doubt & Unbelief
- 2nd “By this you shall know that I am the Lord”
If we are capable of loving our own children with the intensity and compassion as we do, imagine how much our Heavenly Father, who created us in His own image, Gen 1:27, loves us.
Full Freedom
Posted by Guest Blogger on
Things that many people would say need years to heal or significant time addressing began to fall away. Stains that old insecurities left behind were washed away. I began drawing near to Jesus and His holiness cloaked me.